Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Provide A Wonderful Cheque Printing Worksheet


At the end of a hard days work you are finally awarded that contract you were having so much hope on. You have done bull work to raise enough money to secure a steady flow of materials and resources to carry out the work in the contract as soon as it is awarded to you.

You have been looking forward to this for over a year and your life depends on it. Your employees' future depends on it and so many others are full of expectations on your latest success.

With everything so smooth you tell your secretary to write a cheque for Rs.750,000/-. She writes the amount properly but in wording she writes Seven Hundred Fifty only.

Alas! No one notices the error until it comes for the final clearance at which point the cheque is returned. The payee understands and you issue a fresh cheque with a brief apology.

But can you take a chance like this all the time. So try my cheque printing worksheet. You need not take a chance, just use the sample from the link and see whether it meets your requirements.


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