Thursday, May 6, 2021

Program A Best Buy Bot To Buy New Gpus And Cpus


***The Best Buy Bot only works with and windows PCs.***

Are you sick of all people beating you to the new graphics cards and processors? Well I decided to develop an amazing program in python selenium that will work as a bot to purchase them before anyone else can. It will buy whatever product you need on Best Buys website and do it better than most other bots. The Amazon bot does pretty much the same thing, but takes a bit more time in setting up and works just as good as the Best Buy bot. You can get the GeForce RTX 3060 TI, 3070, 3080, 3090, 5950, 5950x, XBX, PS5, 6800 series and more!


Seller's Response:

Tested with BestBuy and it works for the products in stock...I will just have to wait for other hot products that have yet to drop like GPUs and CPUs so we will see.


Bot does exactly what he said, tested it on a random item and it did everything for me, not to set it for a graphics cards and race the scalpers once BB has another drop. Fingers crossed! Thanks!


Thank you so much for the positive review, hope you get one soon!


Program appears to work as intended. Currently testing now and havent encountered any issues. Good communication and fast response time from seller. Thanks! Now if only the dev could help with GPU stock levels...


Responded quick to my questions and very helpful. Tested the bot on an in stock item and works pretty quick.

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