Friday, January 1, 2021

Develop High Quality Software In C And Cpp


I have 7 years of experience in software programming, especially in C++ and Python. Actually, I'm working for a big car company, collaborating for the creation of autonomous driving software, therefore using different languages and the most recent tools.

Every time I develop software, I:

  • exhaustively comment the code
  • make use of Design Patterns to facilitate the usage from a client
  • make use of external libraries
  • perform static analysis for reducing bugs and unexpected behaviors

Usually, I work in Agile, especially for large software. I adopt the Scrum framework. Why? Because in this way you will always know the status of the project, how it is going and what is going to be created in the next days.

There some tools that make possible to work in Agile, and I will provide you the access to all them:

  • Trello
  • Git
  • Jenkins

If you don't know if your project is small, medium or big or if you want to discuss it without obligation, please message me before ordering.

I am at your service, feel free to place an order now.



: : : : :

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